This is a good question. I truly hate pages where people keep talking about them ("I was born there, I have that much dog but I prefer donkeys,..."), but hey, I'm not the one making the rules here, so... Here you got it.

Now, kids, sit down, shut up, and listen.

The owner (and designer, yes, yes, because design there is) of this site is Xavier Borderie, a.k.a. XiBe.

Gosh I hate to speak of myself, it always seems to me to be so biased, reading all the facts one wants the others to know, while he hides the stuffs he doesn't want you to know. You see, I could here write I'm real blonde beauty from Norway, or I could say I have to set light on and off 17 times in the living room before I'm going to bed or else my son will die. You won't be able to know if I'm kidding or being serious. I'll just write the facts, you will have to guess the rest of my personnality by browsing through the pages of this always-expending site.

Xavier Borderie is my real name.
XiBe is my nickname, it has been so since around 1989, I made it up.
21-Apr-1977 is my brithdate (so I'm 21 by the time I'm typing this).
Asnières is the city where I live (it's near Paris in France).
Didier, Catherine, Cédric, Alexis, Melba and Maria are respectively the first names of my father, my mother, my older brother, my younger brother, our dog and our cleaning lady (whose real name is Helena, but anyway...). is my eMail, but I hope you guessed that one.
10019365 is my ICQ#, but you should have found it by yourself.
Radiohead is the band I prefer, among others.
I love my new haircut (22-Jun-98).
...and nope, my photo is not available yet.

 My so-called psychological type.